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I am a program leader and a member of the games development team at Coleg Llandrillo, located in Rhos on Sea. Our department offers a comprehensive Further Education (FE) course in games development, in addition to a Higher Education (HE) course that is validated by Bangor University.


The decision to transition into education was motivated by my desire to maintain a presence in the games industry while also dedicating more time to family commitments. This significant change has not only allowed me to achieve a better work-life balance but also to contribute to the field of education in meaningful ways.

Throughout my tenure as a lecturer, I have had the honor of receiving the Grads in Games FE Academic Award and contributed to our college winning the FE Institution Award. These accomplishments, among numerous other nominations over the years, highlight our team's commitment to excellence. Key initiatives that have brought our college closer to the industry include:


  • Participating in the PlayStation First program, which offers students the unique opportunity to develop games for PlayStation hardware. We are proud to be one of only two institutions in Wales and the only college in the UK to offer this opportunity.


  • Becoming a member of the Nintendo Development program as an educational institution, enabling our students to work with the latest Nintendo hardware.


  • Establishing ourselves as a Tranzfuser hub, which supports students in forming their own studios and developing funded projects. This initiative is supported by both the industry and the government. For more information, visit:



Additionally, we have facilitated the creation of an incubation room within the college to support student development and provide a dedicated space for their work.

Despite our small size, our team is deeply passionate about supporting our students and ensuring they receive the highest quality education to prepare them for the industry. Our successes are a testament to the collaborative spirit and mutual support within our team.


If you would like to know more, or talk about education and games please reach out.  Please find a link to the site as well to our Itchio page for games students make.

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