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We are a small independent game developer located in Warrington, U.K. The team is made up of developers who’ve worked on games such as Sea of Thieves , Sniper Elite, and The Lego Series.

It’s our belief that video games are only just beginning to scratch the surface of their potential as a storytelling medium. Deep and emotional storytelling mixed with compelling game mechanics is what drives us. We want players to have fun with our games but also to be emotionally invested in the character & worlds we create.

I am ¼ of the core team at Freesphere.  My role is a blend of Technical Design, Engineering and Dev ops/Systems. My responsibilities range from:

  •  Creating engaging gameplay experiences and mechanics

  • Optimising gameplay and assets when appropriate 

  • Puzzle and level design ensuring in keeping with core gameplay. 

  • Source control management and systems. 

  • System and tools to support development. 


During my time at Freesphere we have developed a Vertical Slice for our game idea called Revenant. Which was pitched to numerous people at Develop Brighton and more. We have also had success at the UK Games Fund.


We have recently moved onto a unannounced project which we aim to reveal soon! 

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